Each Peach Pear Plum...
Each peach pear plum, I spy Tom Thumb.
Tom Thumb is in the cupboard, I spy Mother Hubbard.
Mother Hubbard down the cellar, I spy Cinderella.
Cinderella on the stairs, I spy the Three Bears.
Three Bears out hunting, I spy Baby Bunting.
Baby Bunting fast asleep, I spy Bo Peep.
Bo Peep up the hill, I spy Jack and Jill.
Jack and Jill in a ditch, I spy the Wicked Witch.
Wicked Witch over the wood, I spy Robin Hood.
Robin Hood in his den, I spy the bears again.
Three Bears still hunting, they spy Baby Bunting.
Baby Bunting safe and dry, I spy plum pie.
Plum Pie in the sun...
~Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
This was one of my favorite books as a child and, to this day, I still have every word memorized. Although this blog will likely have nothing to do with this children's book, it is about the inspiration and memories that I take away from those days when my mom read it to me, then when I read it to my younger sister. This blog is going to reflect my daily life and finding beauty and inspiration in the simple, everyday occurrences. I'm looking forward to sharing my own daily inspiration and I hope that you, as readers, will also be inspired to find joy and beauty in your own lives.
In this blog with your little eye take a look and play I spy...for inspiration, beauty, love, and happiness. And remember to always enjoy the little things, for these are the most important things.